Last updated: Thursday, 29th June 2017, 13:11
Superfast broadband has finally been connected to the BT cabinet in Clifton and is now available to most local residents. However, those located more than a mile from the cabinet opposite the church may not see a significant benefit.
BT Regional Director Ian Binks explained: “Because the broadband equipment that goes into the green road side cabinet, (VDSL), works much faster that the equipment based in the exchange (ADSL), the signal degrades more rapidly when it travels over the copper wire from the cabinet to the customer’s premises. ADSL can reach up to 5.5Km from the exchange while the VDSL reach is much shorter. A view of what speeds you might achieve can be found on this website, by entering either your landline phone number or follow the link to ‘address checker’. If you are lucky enough to live within a couple of hundred yards of the optic fibre cabinet, you could see download speeds of nearly 80Mpbs and upload speeds of around 20Mpbs.”